Production/Ritual Group/Monuments
Granite monuments have a number of advantages that distinguish them from tombstones made from other materials, namely:
- Granite monuments are known for their beauty and sophistication. Granite, as a natural stone, is inherent in a large number of colours and shades, depending on its crystalline structure. Such a variety of textures cannot be achieved using artificial materials. And combination of a stone of different deposits allows to receive unique compositions.
- Granite monuments are resistant to mechanical and chemical damage, temperature fluctuations, frost and humidity. They are difficult to scratch, break. Degradation of granite stone under the influence of atmospheric phenomena occurs over decades, as its water permeability is negligible. Therefore, the memory of your relatives will remain for centuries.
- Granite tombstones are resistant to burning and loss of colour under the influence of sunlight. The change of appearance occurs so slowly that you do not notice it.
- Granite monuments do not need a constant care. You don't need to constantly clean them, varnish them. A damp cloth is enough and it is good as new again.
Gabbro monuments
Mass production of the monuments
Labradorite monuments
Mass production of the monuments